+30 699 640 9987 OR +39 333 6409987 PETRA.AYURVEDAINSIFNOS@GMAIL.COM

Ayurvedic massage treatments

According to the Ayurvedic Science, health is the result of the balance in the human being. This balance, that we constantly search to achieve, is part of the Nature, therefore part of the human body. The five elements of Nature combine together in different proportions in each one of us, and create life as we see and feel it.

The five ayurvedic elements form the three doshas, and the doshas form humans from a physical, mental, psychological and spiritual point of view.

Doshas, like all things in life, are in continue mutation. During these mutations they often go out of balance, and then is where sickness maybe start to manifest. The Ayurvedic Massage, so called Abhyangam, helps us regain the balance we need to stay fit and healthy.

Effective For:

anxiety & Stress relief

The act of massaging the body melts away tension and stress from the muscles, as well as reduces aches & pains and balances what we call vata dosha in ayurveda, which primarily is responsible for balancing out nervous system and governs all movement in the body including elimination. Massaging the body with medicated or herbal oils specific for your natural constitution (dosha) or current condition (vikriti, or imbalance) further enhances the benefits of the massage. Further benefits of Ayurvedic massage include;

  • Offers relief from stress, tension & low energy

  • Supports musculoskeletal and nervous system health

  • Excellent for nervous system conditions, anxiety & overwork

  • Helps your body detox

  • Stimulates organ function

Pain relief & Stifness in joints, & muscle relief

The act of massaging the body melts away tension and stress from the muscles, as well as reduces aches. Excellent for pain relief and healing, the Ayurvedic Massage can also: 

  • Supports musculoskeletal and nervous system health

  • Tones the muscles & body’s tissues

  • Prevents injury & muscle strain


The Ayurvedic Massage, also called Abhyanga, is considered such a significantly beneficial therapy, that it’s recommended daily – especially for the elderly, those with more air & ether in their constitution (vata dosha) and for those experiencing stress, anxiety & insomnia. It’s  benefits are proven nowdays. Further benefits include:

  • Offers relief from stress, tension & balances energy

  • Supports musculoskeletal and nervous system health

  • Helps your body detox

  • Excellent for nervous system conditions, anxiety & overwork


The Ayurvedic Massage, called abhyanga, is usually characterised by a specific sequence of strokes including long, sweeping movements using copious amounts of warm, herbal oils suitable for the individual. There are also very specific sequences that can improve circulation & water detention, comon during late spring and summer. 

skin health

Regular abhyanga is a way to keep yourself in optimal health and balance, via the skin, which ayurveda recognises as a major organ and vehicle to reach our internal organs. The skin is both a protective shield and a gateway to nourishing our bodies’ more subtle channels through our pores.

  • Tones the body’s tissues

  • Promotes softer, stronger & more supple skin

  • Increases radiance and lustre of the skin, for graceful aging & growing

  • Helps your body detox

at your own space

Available to come to our hotel or B&B, as long as it is close to a big road or parking area. 

Get In Touch

Feel free to call me if you need more details or to book an appoitment